Sunday, June 19, 2005

Using Current Content: Engineer’s Tale

Thinkering for parents. Thinkering for children.
Bad title? Engineers use working titles. Get some of the more creative members of the Mulling Team onto it.

The Vulcan (seeking the superset) suggested that we deal with homework in terms of life-learning skills. That is, skills that apply, not just to homework, but to any kind of learning. The Vulcan suggested the following skills.

Partial taxonomy of life-learning skills
Resource assessment.
Planning and subgoal development.
Getting started.
Self-confidence and Canter control.

Here are some current Thinkerer topics that seem to relate to some of these skills.

Focus. Concentration. Procrastination. Self-confidence. Motivation. Memory. Self-starting.

We can point parents to current content related to these topics. We will probably want to suggest scripts for use with children. Cuepons seem particularly promising. There might be scripts for working on a topic like memory and scripts for using a particular Cuepon.

Example: Self-starting and procrastination. Cuepons: Use the Start Buttons, pick one and follow the advice. For detailed scenarios, check with the Storyboarder. Engineers don’t tell stories. Only plans.


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