Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Parenting is the Superset: Engineer’s tale

As the Vulcan points out, parenting is the superset for our discussion of homework. So the first step is to open a new Thinkerer venue: Parenting. Then we can analyze into subsets such as homework. We can also draw on other venues in the Thinkerer. The following item will probably become a Thinkerer page soon. There could be follow-up pages about how to use the results.

The people in your child’s head
By the Empath

People play a number of common roles. We have given the roles names, such as Explorer, Hunter, or Empath. Most of these roles are evident in childhood. Some are actively encouraged by parents. For example, parents try to call up the Empath with questions such as, “How would you feel if…”

One role that is not prominent in childhood is the Vulcan. The brain structures that produce the Vulcan role develop slowly. Those brain structures are probably not fully developed (especially in boys) until well beyond the age of twenty.

You may find it useful to understand your child or teen in terms of these roles. To do that, go to the section on Meet Your Head Staff and fill out the sheets on behalf of your child.

Head staff: http://thinkerer.org/HeadOffice/HOffIntro.htm
Meet your head staff: http://thinkerer.org/YourHead/YourHOffIntro.htm

Caution! Before you do this, silence your own Shudoff. Decide that for now, here in this moment, you do not know what your child should be. Set aside, for the moment, your knowledge of good and evil. Decide that in this moment you are going to deal with what is. You are seeking the truth. Not evaluation.
If you cannot do this, choose one of the options below.

Option 1. Skip the whole thing. Save it for later.
Option 2. Fill out the sheets for yourself. You may learn how to silence your Shudoff that way. If you need more help on that, fill out the sheets for someone else you know.

Consider what you find as background understanding. Not something you want to discuss with other people. And not necessarily something you want to change.


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