Sunday, August 21, 2005

Beating the Badlands

(draft page)

Badlands are a problem. A problem is an opportunity to find out what you can do. Here is a map with some things you can do to beat the badlands.

Organizer Overlook [Node 1]There are often common paths. Look for these first. These are not limited to the badlands, of course. But in the easy fields, you see them immediately. That’s what makes the easy fields easy. Now guess what makes the badlands bad.

[Each of these 5 items gets its own page and link(s)]

Similes metaphors. (TBD) Is this like any familiar things? How is it like them. How is it different?

Narratives. Does this make a story? Most processes and procedures do. Can you tell the story.

Imagination, Visualization. Adequately covered in the Thinkerer, I believe

Familiars. Integration with familiar things. (TBD) Probably ties with pages about familiar places.

Features. Descriptors: (In progress) Identify the descriptors, Use tables to relate them to nouns

Possible addition:
Internal integration within the content. (TBD) This would lead to activities that call for you to recall or figure out the connection between two randomly chosen items in the content. Probably something like 3 degrees of separation. This may not belong under organizers, but under self-testing or review. And would work well in cooperative study.

Similes. Narrate. Imagine. Familiars. Features. SNIFF

Right: Did you find an organizer? Yes: Use it. No: Memorize this! (link).


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