Sunday, July 24, 2005


(Refer back to the Explore a Chapter Clipit. Since I derived it from the SQ of SQ3R, I suppose I need to make clear that it does not have to be done at the beginning. I keep forgetting that other people believe in God-given rules. So here is my first cut on a Thinkerer page.)
Zen: You already know it.
Your one true path to studying is your path.

Not very helpful? But you didn’t expect we would tell you what to do. And we didn’t expect you would do it if we told you. The best we can do is point out some common options in how people study. And suggest some ways you can explore them.

Strategies for studying a chapter: The standard advice is in the form of SQ3R. It says start by surveying the chapter. That may be good general advice. But it may not be the best advice for you. Here. Now. With this chapter. With this topic. With what you already know.

You have two general options here. Do what you’ve always done. Try some variations.

If you always do what you've always done,
you’ll always get what you've always got.

Here are some variations you can try. Unless you like what you’ve always got.

Explore. If you are going to study something, you will probably need to get an overview or survey at some time. But on your terms. Here are three possibilities.

Explore first (SQ3R mandate).

Read first. Explore later, along with your review.

Mix and match: Start reading. Explore when you fee like it. For example, explore when you get bored. Use the exploring to decide what to do the next time you get bored from reading. If you don’t get bored, that may be a cue.

(Include link to Explore a Chapter Clipit here.)

Quest questions. (We probably want to make a Clipit and Cuepon set of generic guide questions.)

Read a section. (Mention rest stops and check points from Explore Clipit. Can’t skip these, even if you use an explore-later option. Check points replace the Recite item.)

Review. (Include quest questions and explorer’s notes here.)


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