Saturday, December 17, 2005

See You Later, Procrastinator

Here is a blog basket for all those people who have been meaning to do something about procrastination. That includes parents who have been intending (for the past year) to help their kids stop procrastinating.

NPR: Talk of the Nation, December 14, 2005. A helpful discussion. Maybe you want to put it on an mp3 player. Not necessarily yours.

Procrastination, article in Psychology Today

Procrastination help, website.

Some Thinkerer pages:
Get the best out of procrastination

The Next Meeting of the Procrastinator’s League…

The Startalittles versus the Putitovs

Your Putitov

Time control

The Startalittle maneuver is the best route to a quick fix. Whenever you have something that you want to put off, start it a little. Plan to spend about 20 minutes on a quick survey of what you are going to do. For example, do a search and collect some links. This helps to warm up your brain for the job. (See Headwarmers.) Besides, it gives you a better feel for how long you can put the main job off.

People who prefer to work under pressure may want to check my brief on stress.

God must love procrastinators. He made so many of us.


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