Review: The Vulcan’s tale
Is this a discussion of what we have done so far or a discussion of review as part of homework? Both. More efficient to make your ideas do double duty.
The “One true path” story is now in the Thinkerer, with the trial paths subroutine.
The parenting section now gives pointers to the study section.
It also gives some suggestions about how parents could use parts of the study section with children and teens. We probably need more in this area.
I think we have a good start on treating Paths and Explore (The Clipit is now a checklist of things that you might want to do, but not all at once.)
We may want a page about how to mix reading with exploring, but the Vulcan prefers to go next to Review. That will bound the problem and probably give some guidance on the reading part.
Taxonomy of review procedures
Prompt review. At each checkpoint.
Recap review. Immediately after finishing the chapter (relates to the BackStart path.)
Test review. As part of test prep. It may be useful to do all of these in some cases. They have different functions.
Prompt review. Serves to
Connect elements in the chapter
Identify problems with understanding
Reinforce connections with material outside the chapter
Identify items that may require more memory effort (badlands).
Identify organization needs.
Recap review. Serves to
Identify memory problems
Identify inadequate understanding
Identify verbalization problems
Reinforce recall
Test review. Serves to
Identify easy-recall items (Which may then serve as anchors for hard items.)
Relate recall to objectives (Items on test).
Assess test readiness. (Diagnosis and remedy)Build test confidence.
Review may be a particularly useful place to introduce methods for cooperative learning. The Un and the Empath suggest scripts in the form of games. One hopes that they will write some suggestions. Vulcans do not do games.