Sunday, September 04, 2005

General update

A little unity here. The parenting section of Thinkerer
connected to the Study section

The Study section connected to the team section

And the team section connected to the parenting section

I am still working on Quest Questions, descriptors, and review, but I think the configuration is usable as is. The study integrator at the most concrete level is

I am still figuring out how to provide a second Mechanizer. That is to come out of the time-line notion. More generally, a time-line is a 2-d layout presenting the most relevant dimensions of the content. And it will tie in with review as well as descriptors.

People can use the Ratem page as a rating device and then follow links to pages about specific skills. The current content deals with how, but not with when. I will add that when I figure it out.


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